Source packages with multiple .orig.tar.gz
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Soren Stoutner
2024-11-20 20:20:01 UTC
I hope this is an easy question: the new version of asymptote downloads
additional tar balls (two) during configure, which are unpackaged and
used during build. Page [1] describes how to add additional tar balls.
It says, that the name (extension) of the additional tar ball determines
the subdir the tar ball is extracted to. I need the additional source
code in acextlibs/vectorgraphics/LspCpp & acextlibs/syoyo/tinyexr .
That is correct, but I don’t think it handles subdirectories. So, for
example, if the second tarball has a component name of `acextlibs` it will be
extrated to the `acextlibs` directory (I have no idea how the system behaves
if the `acextlibs` directory already exists). If its contents are inside of
`vectorgraphics/LspCP`, then you should be fine. But if the contents of the
tarball are in the root directory of the tarball, I don’t think MUT (Multiple
Upstream Tarballs) has any provisions for unpacking them to `acextlibs/

To see a live example, check out fonts-adobe-sourcesans3.


Soren Stoutner
Soren Stoutner
2024-11-27 03:40:01 UTC
How do I have to name the additional tar balls? Putting the needed
directory into the tar balls does not seem to do the trick. Currently my
only idea is to merge the two tar balls into one and name it
asy....orig-acextlibs.tar.xz .
Hopefully(?) last question. I use gbp and master/upstream/pristine-tar
branch The source package now consists of three different orig.tar.xz
files. Where should I put the files into the repo? putting the two new
files into the existing pristine-tar branch probably doesn't make sense.
Should I simply two new branches and put them there? The file
d/README.source exists anyway.
The following example with fonts-adobe-sourcesans3 might be helpful, even if
it is a little different than your situation.

I created the following MUT repository using `gbp import-dsc`:


It put both tarballs in pristine-tar.

Building a package with MUT from pristine-tar requires some extra info with
the --git-component argument (which I believe can be specified multiple times).


I should note that I haven’t actually tried the `gbp import-orig` code path
for importing a new release, as this font package hasn’t had a new release
since I created it. It is based simply on reading the documentation (which I
might have misunderstood).
Soren Stoutner