Post by Helmar Gerloni
Maybe you can push this new version into Sid?
It looks like the master branch is updated but the upstream and
pristine-tar branches are still at 1.6.4.
So no, I can't (easily) build and upload the package right now, sorry
Sorry, I overlooked the upstream and pristine-tar branches. Since Tony will take over the package from mentors, I didn't spend more time on that.
Post by Helmar GerloniWhat's a bit sad is that tuxguitar doesn't build reproducibly.
I did not find the time yet to look into this, sorry.
Alright :)
The reprotest on Salsa is now successful, so the problem seems to have disappeared somehow:
Post by Helmar GerloniAnd on a more general note: You constructed this as a QA upload, but
you seem to be the de facto maintainer of the package :) Also the
package is still within the Debian Java Team on salsa, altough it's
officially orphaned. -- Maybe it's about time to fix this mess one
way or another :)
I'm not sure how I can help here. I'm trying my best to create an
acceptable Debian package, but I'm not an official DM.
You don't need to be a DM to maintain a package. Yes, Debian in
general and Debian terminology in particular are complicated.
* A maintainer is the person who maintains a package. (Whether they can
upload it themselves or need a sponsor/Debian Developer/person with
upload rights).
* A Debian Maintainer (DM) is a person who maintains (a) package(s) and is
allowed to upload this/these package(s). DM permissions can be
granted by DDs after someone maintains a package for some times
* A Debian Developer (DD) is a Debian project member, either with or without
upload rights, and the first group can upload any package.
- tuxguitar was maintained within the Debian Java Team until some
years ago, until #1013777 /
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
Source: tuxguitar
Section: sound
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: ant,
because Philippe Coval was inactive for quite some time.
- So currently tuxguitar is officially unmaintained but de facto you
are maintaining it. So the status should be changed :)
- Which means for the package: You should be the maintainer! And
- Either you adopt it, i.e. change #1013777 from O to ITA, set
yourself as Maintainer in d/control, and work in (or in the debian
namespace) and seek sponsors for the future; or
- second option, the package is maintained within the Java team
again, where the repo still exists; which means (the same BTS
dance +) setting Maintainer back to "Debian Java Maintainers" and
Uploaders to you, work from the debian-java repo (and find sponsors
within the team, which could be tmancill (at least I think so :))
or me (not really a team member but I have a sweet spot for
Since Tony will sponsor this upload, I currently would not take any action.